Solar Eclipse in the UK

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hello lovely blogger friends. It's been WEEKS since I posted anything here. To be honest i've been so busy with work that i've not had a chance to myself and when I did, I had no idea what to blog about. So instead of just blogging about any old crap, I just took a break. 


Today I got to witness one of the most awe inspiring, natural views in years. 

Millions of people in the UK and northern Europe got the amazing opportunity this morning to witness the best solar eclipse in years. 

Where I live (Warrington, Cheshire) it was more of an 80% eclipse, but it was still awe inspiring. I remember the eclipse happening in 1999, but honestly don't recall seeing anything as incredible as this. 

You shouldn't look at the sun directly during an eclipse as it can cause permanent damage to your eyes, but it was so cloudy today that I took a chance and glanced up - and I saw it! So I decided to grab my phone (I don't have a appropriate filter for my camera, so didn't wanna risk the damage) and took a photo just to show you how awesome it looked. 

Yes, that is the sun with the moon eclipsing it. Doesn't it look like a crescent moon?! So strange. Incase you're wondering, I took it through the lens of my sunglasses, which is why it looks red. I quite like how armageddon-y it looks though with the red! haha. 

Did anyone else get the chance to view this amazing eclipse? Would love to know if you did :)

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  1. I'm from North Italy and I had the chance to see the eclipse! It was amazing, I've never seen an eclipse in my life... My dad told me about the one happened in 1999, but I was a child so I don't remember it :\. I hope I can see a total eclipse, one day!

  2. How neat! I've never had the chance to see an eclipse, so I appreciate you sharing your experience :)

    xo Mary
    Mostly Salty Blog
